Brought to you in part by:
Memorial BrainWorks,
Memorial Hosptial & Health Systems,
Indiana Michigan Power,
and Kurt Simon.
WNIT Public Television and Memorial BrainWorks are sponsoring a four-part series designed to bring you the most important do-it-yourself tips from the forefront of neuroscientific research for improving and maintaining your brain's functionality at every age.
“BrainGames” is a game show with three teams per episode competing to win. In the fourth and final program, the winners from the three previous shows will compete for top honors. A panel of experts will add commentary and insight throughout the program.
As Debra Raybold, Director of Memorial BrainWorks, added, "BrainWorks is very excited to be part of the upcoming BrainGames programs with WNIT. The human brain is still one of the great mysteries of the world, and these game shows will be an easy and fun way to learn more about how we foster a strong, healthy mind during the very first years of life, and then, how to keep it working at its best through the vulnerable teen years, right on through our middle years, and into older adulthood."
The four-part series premiered on Tuesday, August 23 with Early Childhood Development followed by The Teen Years on September 29 and Young and Middle Adults on October 20. Finally, it ended with Older Adults on November 17.
If you would like more information about brain health, listen to Phillip Newbold, President and CEO
of Memorial Hospital and Health Systems, or
go to the BrainWorks website and
watch one of their
informative videos.
Early Childhood Development
Tuesday, August 23 - Watch Online
The Teen Years
Thursday, September 29 - Watch Online
The Early & Middle Adult Years
Thursday, October 20 - Watch Online
Older Adults
Thursday, November 17 - Watch Online