WNIT Membership
Kids Club
Box Office
When you support WNIT with a financial contribution, you’ll enjoy these benefits!

- One year's subscription to the PLANNER, WNIT’s bimonthly program guide
- WNIT’s monthly e-newsletter
- Opportunity for complimentary tickets to area events and concerts
- Satisfaction of knowing that your contribution serves all of Michiana through quality and diverse programming on WNIT - there's no other place like it on your dial.
Find out if your employer will match your donation!
Did you know that thousands of companies match employee and/or retiree donations to WNIT – PBS Michiana? You can increase the impact of your donation by checking if your employer has a matching gift program.
Read More About Employer MatchingGive The Gift That Lasts All Year!
Looking for the perfect gift that will last all year long? A WNIT gift membership is ideal for folks of all ages. The recipient will receive the PLANNER, our bi-monthly program guide for a full year, as well as the monthly WNIT e-newsletter with special features, program information and advance notice of ticket opportunities.
There is no better way to share your enthusiasm for public television than with a WNIT gift membership - it's the perfect present for students, parents, business associates and seniors! Best of all, your gift helps everyone in Michiana enjoy the power of public television. For more information, click here or call Member Services at 574.675.9648 x311.
Updating Membership and Payment Info
To update personal information on your WNIT Membership account or to update your monthly payment information please call the Member Services Team at 574-675-9648 x311 Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm. You can also email us at membership@wnit.org. Please include your name and address in your email. Thank you!