In This Episode
Marc Dombroksy, Yuma Soto, Maria Aguilar, Kaylee Barnes, Josephine Grisham, Claire Ritchey, Taylor Stewart, Katie Pabreza, Daniel Rosales, Rachel Shane, Carolyn Martin More Information
In This Segment
Expression through art can be a powerful thing. Students at Southwestern Michigan College got the chance to explore this through the combination of writing and artwork that make up graphic novels. They even got the chance to create themselves in graphic novel form.
For additional information visit:
- Marc DombroksyDept. of Visual & Performing Arts ChairSouthwestern Michigan College
- Yuma SotoStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
- Maria AguilarStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
- Kaylee BarnesStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
- Josephine GrishamStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
- Claire RitcheyStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
- Taylor StewartStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
- Katie PabrezaStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
- Daniel RosalesStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
- Rachel ShaneStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
- Carolyn MartinStudentSouthwestern Michigan College
Additional Resources:
- 5 Stages of the Creative Process
- Understanding the 4 Stages of the Creative Process
- Training Teachers to Teach the Arts
- Marc DombroksyDept. of Visual & Performing Arts ChairSouthwestern Michigan College
Barbara Whitlock, Karen Bohlin, Ed.D. More Information
In This Segment
Language is a powerful tool. It can be used to express one's feeling and viewpoints. The best way to learn how to understand others though is through a back and forth dialogue. And when tougher issues are discussed in a calm and rational way, these are called courageous dialogues.
For additional information visit:
- Barbara WhitlockDirector of Student Learning & Leadership/Humanities CoordinatorMontrose School
- Karen Bohlin, Ed.D.Director of the Practical Wisdom ProjectAbigail Adams Institute
Additional Resources:
- Why Hold a Classroom Dialogue
- The Importance of Dialogue in School and Community
- 3 Ways to Integrate Purposeful Dialogue in the Classroom
- Barbara WhitlockDirector of Student Learning & Leadership/Humanities CoordinatorMontrose School
Loria Perez, Aaron Nichols, Dekota Smallwood, Jessiyah Lottie, Gelasius Morgan-Shakur More Information
In This Segment
#ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence calls on teens to confront gun violence by creating new works of theatre that will spark critical conversations and inspire meaningful action in communities across the country. The South Bend Civic Theatre is one of many theatres across the country producing a set of plays for April 20.
For additional information visit:
- Loria PerezFounder/DirectorConnect 2 Be the Change - Aaron NicholsExecutive DirectorSouth Bend Civic Theatre
South Bend Civic Theatre - Dekota SmallwoodPlaywright#ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence
Enough! Plays to End Gun Violence - Jessiyah LottieActor#ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence
- Gelasius Morgan-ShakurActor#ENOUGH: Plays to End Gun Violence
- Loria PerezFounder/DirectorConnect 2 Be the Change
Michael Poole, Anthony Douglas, Olivia Kenny, Mateem Kenny More Information
In This Segment
Positive Outlook may appear to be an organized sports club but it is much more than that. The program teaches students the power of teamwork, leadership and other life skills through sports and mentoring in grades 3 – 12.
For additional information visit:
- Michael PooleFounder/Head CoachPositive Outlook - Anthony DouglasCoachPositive Outlook - Olivia KennyStudent AthletePositive Outlook
- Mateem KennyStudent AthletePositive Outlook
Additional Resources:
- Project Play - Benefits
- Developing life skills through sports
- 4 Powerful Benefits Of Kids' Sports (That Have Nothing To Do With The Sport Itself)
- Sports 4 Life Delivers Big Benefits for Girls of Color
- Michael PooleFounder/Head CoachPositive Outlook