Episode #111 - January 11th, 2017
This week we explore mental health and childhood trauma and how it is impacting students in the classroom. We speak with Ann Rosen at The Family Connection, Shelly Walker, Ph.D., superintendent of Benton Harbor Schools, and Gillian Conrad at the Berrien County Health Department. Reporter, Monica Murphy, also sits down with Mike Deranek at Bashor Children's Home for an in-depth interview on childhood trauma. We also visit Ivy Tech Community College to explore the college admissions process.
Original Airdate: January 11, 2017
In This Episode
In This Segment
Ann Rosen, Gillian Conrad, and Dr. Shelly Walker talk to us about trauma in the school system, social factors that determine educational outcomes, and the responsibility placed on teachers to currently address mental health behaviors.
- Ann RosenThe Family Connection, Harrison Primary Center
- Shelly Walker, Ph.D.Superintendent of Benton Harbor
- Gillian ConradBerrien County Health Department
In This Segment
Michael Deranek sits down for an in-depth interview with reporter, Monica Murphy, about childhood trauma. Mike shares how trauma impacts the brain.
- Mike DeranekVice President of Program OperationsBashor Children's Home
In This Segment
Dr. Lisa Shaffer, Chancellor of Enrollment at Ivy Tech Community College, speaks to us about admissions and recent changes in the admissions process in order to help students thrive.
- Lisa Shaffer, Ph.D.Ivy Tech Community College
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