In This Episode
Daniel Walsh, Anthony Foster, Hannah Wendowski, Nicholas Ruppe, Aaron Wilfing More Information
In This Segment
Students at John Adams High School in South Bend have the chance to join the school's Civil Air Patrol. They get to learn more about aeronautics and even have the chance to fly small aircrafts as the first steps to a potential career.
For additional information visit:
- Daniel WalshSquadron CommanderJohn Adams Civil Air Patrol
- Anthony FosterCadetJohn Adams Civil Air Patrol
- Hannah WendowskiCadetJohn Adams Civil Air Patrol
- Nicholas RuppeCadetJohn Adams Civil Air Patrol
- Aaron WilfingCadetJohn Adams Civil Air Patrol
- Daniel WalshSquadron CommanderJohn Adams Civil Air Patrol
Judd Hoff, Amy Dimaggio, Thomas Rutkoskie More Information
In This Segment
Sports can be a fun way to learn and get some exercise. But not everyone is capable of getting out onto the field. The Southwest Michigan Miracle League provides young players of all abilities the chance to play baseball and be part of a team.
For additional information visit:
- Judd HoffBoard PresidentSouthwest Michigan Miracle League
- Amy DimaggioBoard Member/Parent of AthleteSouthwest Michigan Miracle League
- Thomas RutkoskieYouth Board MemberSouthwest Michigan Miracle League
Additional Resources:
- How Playing Sports Can Help Special Needs Kids On and Off the Field
- The Benefits of Sports for Children with Special Needs
- Implementing and Maintaining Inclusive Sports Programs
- Judd HoffBoard PresidentSouthwest Michigan Miracle League
Casey Smallwood More Information
In This Segment
The Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards have been around for over 90 years, providing teens with the opportunity to be seen and compete creatively. The students work is then judged based on freedom of expression, a blind adjudication process, and work criteria based on originality, technical proficiency, and emergence of personal voice. They want teens to feel empowered through their artistic expression.
For additional information visit:
- Casey SmallwoodCurator of EducationSouth Bend Museum of Art
Additional Resources:
- Casey SmallwoodCurator of EducationSouth Bend Museum of Art
Marci Taylor, Roger Rader, Erianna Sims More Information
In This Segment
WSMK and its' sister station WNIL are radio stations based out of Niles, Michigan that provide the Michiana region with Adult Contemporary music, Oldies, as well as the opportunity to advertise goods and equipment from local residents on their show Swap Shop. However, there is much more to running a radio station than just the on-air qualities. They welcome interns into their doors to learn about their overall functions of a radio station, while also giving them the opportunity to express their creative voice.
For additional information visit:
- Marci TaylorGeneral ManagerWNIL Radio Broadcast
- Roger RaderOn-Air PersonalityWNIL Radio Broadcast
- Erianna SimsInternWNIL Radio Broadcast
Additional Resources:
- Marci TaylorGeneral ManagerWNIL Radio Broadcast