In This Episode
Kenzie Quissell, Hannah Jacobs, Stephanie Wezeman, Bianca Humbarger More InformationIn This Segment
Plymouth High School students gather to raise money for the Riley Hospital for Children.
- Kenzie Quissell
- Hannah Jacobs
- Stephanie WezemanTeacher
- Bianca Humbarger
Jeffrey Luppes, Anne Magnan-Park, Dan Applegate, Brian O' Conchubhair, Ann Bingham More InformationIn This Segment
Learning a second language can open doors for students as they pursue higher education and their future careers. Experts in language tell us about all the ways learning another language can bring future success.
- Jeffrey Luppes
- Anne Magnan-Park
- Dan Applegate
- Brian O' Conchubhair
- Ann Bingham
Kelly Jolliff, Kara Krempec More InformationIn This Segment
With a flu season on track to be one of the worst since 2009, we show you how schools work to keep children safe and healthy
- Kelly Jolliff
- Kara Krempec
Sarah Lotter, Elizabeth Barber, Maria Reilly, Susan Cress, Ni Chang More InformationIn This Segment
A look at the Reggio Emilia approach to teaching young children.
For additional information visit:
- Sarah Lotter
- Elizabeth Barber
- Maria Reilly
- Susan Cress
- Ni Chang
Additional Resources:
- What is the Reggio Emilia Approach
- Reggio Emilia in Italy
- Reggio Emilia in the United Kingdom
- Reggio Emilia in Chicago
- Reggio Emilia Based Schools in Canada