About this Segment
Plymouth High School Virtual AuditionsWith mandated quarantines affecting the way we function in the world, improvisation is the only way we can put our best foot forward during unprecedented times. At Plymouth High School, the show must go on, with the choir continuing to place auditions. However these auditions are all virtual. This gives the teacher and students the chance to change the dynamic of what auditions have to be.
For additional information:
- Ryan VanAntwerpChoir TeacherPlymouth High SchoolPlymouth High Schoolrvanantwerp@plymouth.k12.in.us
- Jim CondonPrincipalPlymouth High Schoolhttps://www.plymouth.k12.in.us/plymouth-high-schooljcondon@plymouth.k12.in.us
- Savannah PaxtonStudentPlymouth High School
- Austin KizerStudentPlymouth High School
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