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Peg + Cat


The Fred Rogers Company introduces a new animated preschool series featuring Peg and her sidekick, Cat, as they encounter unexpected challenges that require arithmetic and problem-solving skills. Each episode features two stories in which Peg and Cat face a math word problem that they must solve. Children will learn how to build calculation skills and think about larger concepts that will help them form the foundation for learning math at any level, from kindergarten through calculus.

Upcoming Episodes

  • The Dance Problem; Follow the Bouncing Ball

    Peg and Cat dance with Misty Copeland; Cat's ball bounces through 10 different worlds to 10 different beats. (30 minutes)

    WNIT Kids 34.3 Stereo HD
    See our full program schedule.
  • The Wonderland Problem; The Bat Mitzvah Problem

    Peg and Cat eat berries to grow bigger or smaller in their quest to get back Peg's stick from the Queen of Hearts. (30 minutes)

    WNIT Kids 34.3 Stereo HD
    See our full program schedule.
  • The Magic Uke; The Rocking Out Problem

    Peg needs help from a magic ukulele when she treks through the Kingdom of Night searching for Cat; Peg and Cat get stuck in Baby Fox's musical instrument. (30 minutes)

    WNIT Kids 34.3 Stereo HD
    See our full program schedule.
  • The Polka Dot Planet Problem; The Mardi Gras Problem

    Peg needs the help of a new friend when her spaceship breaks down; Peg and Cat learn sheet music so they can jam with Billie Holiday in the Mardi Gras parade. (30 minutes)

    WNIT Kids 34.3 Stereo HD
    See our full program schedule.

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