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Economic Outlook - Five Star Life

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Episode #816 - Five Star Life

The numbers are astronomical and alarming. Junior and senior high school dropout rates have hit all-time highs. Over 1.5 million students nation-wide dropped out of school last year. Nearly 15% of all students dropout of school each year. Nearly 5% of all indiana students, or 15,800 youth dropped out of school last year; 7% or 38,000 in the state of michigan, 10% and nearly 64,000 in the state of illinois all dropped out and did not graduate. Over 36% of all drop outs happen in the 9th grade. ninety percent of all U.S. jobs will not hire a high school dropout. However in our region exists an organization called five star life, which transforms lives, providing our youth with an outlet and a pathway for success in school and life.

Original Airdate: February 08, 2013

In This Episode

  • Five Star Life Photo
    Five Star Life
    Seth Maust, Casey Martin, Matt D’Amico, Ana Schue More Information
    Five Star Life Photo

    In This Segment


    1. Seth Maust
    2. Casey Martin
    3. Matt D’Amico
    4. Ana Schue