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Outdoor Elements - Installing an Eagle Cam

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Webisode - Installing an Eagle Cam

Brett Peters talks what we can learn about the eagles and where you can watch the camera live.

Bald Eagles have been nesting at St. Patrick’s county park for a while and the ND LEEF program has had a camera up by the nest. Evie had the opportunity to be there as they replaced the camera with a new one. A team of arborist climbers had to make their way up the tree twice to make it happen. Brett Peters talked about what this camera has allowed them to learn about the eagles and where you can watch the camera live. Jeremy Weber from the Davey Resources Group shared as to why they volunteer for projects like this that make a difference to helping and understanding nature.

Bald Eagle Cam


  1. Brett PetersAssistant DirectorND Linked Experimental Ecosystem Facility
  2. Jeremy WeberSr. Restoration SpecialistDavey Resources Group