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Flesh and Blood on Masterpiece


Three adult siblings show that behind the veneer of middle-class Sussex life, what you see is not always what you get. When their recently widowed mother, Vivien, falls in love with a new man, Mark, and introduces him to Jake, Natalie and Helen, they greet him with a mix of excitement, optimism and outrage. Each of the siblings has their own personal problems and when they become suspicious that Mark could be after their inheritance, tensions rise and relationships within the family become challenged.

Upcoming Episodes

  • Vivien and Mark plan their trip to India, but the children's ongoing distrust of Mark starts to put a strain on the couple's relationship; the siblings' private lives are unraveling. (60 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Vivien tries to dismiss her children's fears about Mark, even as serious doubts creep into her mind; Jake's chances of reconciling with Leila suffer a potentially fatal blow. (60 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.

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