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Sit and Be Fit


Mary Ann Wilson leads safe workouts set to fun music.

Upcoming Episodes

  • Brain Booster

    Exercises that activate the brain; movement patterns for balance and gait. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Practice Perfect Posture

    Postural alignment; using proper form. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Variety: The Spice of Life

    Various exercises and accessories. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Functional and Fun Exercises for the Feet

    Keeping feet happy and healthy. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Yardsticks and Bands

    Warm-up routine using a yardstick; upper and lower body strengthening using bands. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Shoulder and Back Strength

    A lively workout helps strengthen the shoulders and back. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Postural Alignment and Shoulder Stability

    Exercises help increase postural awareness and stabilize the shoulders. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Circulation

    Movements designed to get the blood flowing. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Core Strengthening

    Exercises build core strength which helps with balance and the back. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.
  • Hip Mobility

    Flexibility in the hips helps ensure healthy aging. (30 minutes)

    WNIT2 34.2 Stereo
    See our full program schedule.

Have questions or concerns about this program's schedule? Contact us.